@- \/G - Luigi123 Spoiler marked NSFW or ? Could I also request you upload it to http://files.f-o-g.eu and post the link here.
Poll? In support <3
May I just intervene and post how I would have reacted in said situations: Abuse in chat: Gag for 40-120 mins or /ban (depending on severity)...
Ban Information: Fortress of Gamers - Sourcebans You were automatically banned by our plugin for saying the phrase "LMAOBOX.NET" (case...
Please do not bump your appeal, as this will only delay a verdict.
Accused: | steamname: shux | steam3ID: [U:1:130359420] | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:65179710 | steamID64:...
@TriforceSmasher This could mean many things, but I would take a wild guess to say it may have been aimbot.
So it shows the Steam window around it, with the link showing (you may block out your username). Here is an example (open spoiler): [spoiler]...
As stated in our rules here: http://forums.f-o-g.eu/threads/599-team-fortress-2-server-rules.html It is against the rules to do what you said...
[img] According to some of my sources, they patched most of the aimbots too.
I just tell people to go to the webplayer: Hive365 :: Webplayer
I'm gonna quote Chick here, as this actually happened: http://forums.f-o-g.eu/threads/606-admin-application-chickpoint.html
Anywhere from a few weeks to a few months. Don't bump your appeal as it will delay a verdict.
Read OP:
The person you linked is already marked by us on SteamRep, and that chatlog just looks like an argument about about inspecting a weapon. Obviously...
I would like to claim #33 http://steamcommunity.com/id/pointlessness Welcome back! Pointy
Separate names with a comma.