Attempts to advertise LMAOBOX are still against the rules, even as a joke.
Original Appeal (Declined): No one gave you...
SteamRep Block: | steamname: AdolfHealerPL | steam3ID: [U:1:73779759] | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:36889879 | steamID64:...
This ^^ Also, please upload all screenshots to Fortress of Gamers - File Hosting and post them here.
My name is listed under DB as Pointlessness and under Unu Trade as Pointy. I'd prefer both to be Pointlessness.
TF:GO pt 2
And this is why Top 10 Stats was better. [img]
I support this idea. +1
I'm also thinking about an lr a bit like randomizer.
I would appreciate one. This will lead you to your inventory history.
I think users are posting here, because when pushing "REPORT PLAYER / ADMIN" button on main page, it redirects to non-Trading Reports So, to...
Previous Appeal (Declined): You...
Choosing any of the options results in the same outcome: A 1 day ban. (so people don't really care what they choose) And since this ban is so...
Hai n Bai has confirmed this:
You know, if you click on Thread Tools, you can make a poll. You can also opt into a poll when creating threads. Just read it properly, would...
Hello there, Please post in the correct section: Scam Reports Make sure all screenshots are uncropped and uploaded to Fortress of Gamers - File...
Hello there, Please post in the correct section: Scam Reports Make sure all screenshots are uncropped and uploaded to Fortress of Gamers -...
Good luck. Stay safe.
Separate names with a comma.