@Avatar Kyoshi do you know the rough dates that you attempted this?
the fellowship will never be the same.
dw I got em all guys dw I only took 2
fuck off with your giveaways
rig pl0x
is lego like roblox?
We never gave you permission to reappeal. If you make another appeal you will be banned from the forums.
why should we consider a downgrade?
Can you provide a screenshot of the Steam Support ticket?
Can you upload your screenshots to Fortress of Gamers - File Hosting
It's been 3 weeks since the last response, therefore I'm closing this appeal. You can reappeal when you see this.
After discussion, we have decided to reduce your tag to a caution, which will not be appealable for another 12 months.
my bad sorry.
And @CaptainWhaleSharks can you just post a picture of your trade history showing you repaying Mr.Giang? You can cover up your account name and...
can you post a new screenshot without the name of the person you repaid covered?
Can you post a trade history screenshot of you repaying the victim? Did you attempt to scam anyone else? Why should you be unbanned?
Separate names with a comma.