Rigging this.
Ya, this is not going to happen. You can use the AP system if it's available on the server you're playing on. Also please for the love of me,...
Reopened for some reason.
I believe it only works for groups with <1000 members. We're 278 times bigger than that.
Wew, it's been a while since I've read that post. It's a good read for anyone wondering about my rise to power and how this shithole came to be.
No only new ones.
K I'll add pay to win benefits next. How about a free valve huntsman and sticky launcher if you donate?
Heyo. I've added some new donator benefits to both Trade and Achievement. As of today, you'll find three new options in your donator menu. Add...
Removed Pudgey.
I agree with the above posts stating there is no need for a formal warning. As Starfish said, most 'incriminating' stuff in his chatlogs are aimed...
Probably not.
I've added a betaversion of trails to the regular trade server. You can access it with /trailme It's currently set to only one trail. We won't be...
Not entirely true. Plugins need to have their source code modified to work with our donator system, which takes time. We're not adding the gimme...
Ok bye.
Vip has been fucky for the past few days, I'm sure n0name will eventually get to it. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Let's not be twats in here, alright?
Separate names with a comma.