Oh shit im mentioned here. <3 Goodluck with the move and everything. And goodluck with your exams buddy. Inb4 the moving guys drop your pc and...
Starfish got 2 awards. This is fucking rigged man.
Pruu is actually quite the magnificent bastard.
Watson is kinda gay tbh.
Bigger library = Skill.
Goodbye Smiley you swood dude. You did a good job taking care of Achieve. Best of luck in life!
Aw. You were a pretty cool dude. I didn't want you to resign so quickly... B( Atleast you'll stay on the forums and Discord.
Considering what you've done, what proof do we have to see that you've changed. For all we know, you could still just be tossing insults...
Grabbed Why So Evil 2
If you really are proposing to ''ban'' bodyshots. I'd vote no for that. I honestly find that kinda stupid. Come on people. It's just a video...
I hope you've tried rejoining. Otherwise just wait n0name to give you it manually here. People usually don't get VIP instantly due to Valve's...
1/10 not sticky web. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ThQkrXHdh4
I need to go to kokomo
Do what Pudge said and you'll get daily insults. And you'll piss off everyone who takes killing and dying too serious. But yeah. The degreaser...
How do i quickscope?
It'll make my library look bigger.
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Wait 5-10 mins. Rejoin. If that doesnt work. Wait here until n0name grants you the VIP. Please dont spam or bump this thread while you wait.
Separate names with a comma.