Ban AppealSteamRep Block | steamname: Toxic | | steam3ID: [U:1:155927792] | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:77963896 | steamID64:...
Bye man, Will miss ya
Was a good time having you here!
Problem solved I guess. I never knew it was gone from the server. My bad
Then why does it come up saying available commands: !Votekick, !Voteban and !Report. Btw all those commands doesn't even work.
the !report command is not working also on bhop.
I wanna be a judge too koga (: 400 posts hype
Still not working on the bhop server. Just to let you guys know.
Don't say anything here until anyone asks you something...
@Enstage gave me one week to pay you back. Got so much shit going on
I forgot to pay you, just send me a message and we're done here
Hello So I have been harassed by some of the fog members and admins, Proving that some of the admins and members doesn't deserve to stay here....
I think you should close this thread and make a report with the link koga posted.
Thanks mate
Good luck in the future, we had so much fun together :P
8/10 Good beats You will love this:
1/10, Not my type
Fuck off. I'll win
Stop blaming volvo ffs. It would be nice to add a warning on that reset thingy.
Separate names with a comma.