9/10 very naic [MEDIA]
i was there when it happend [ATTACH] sorry for low quality i use fps config
you can't fire me i quit 8-)
Just pretend it's cocaine
Communities have rules and so does ours. Whenever you agree with them or not you have to go by them if you want to stay. Your "free speech"...
I know hoosky, he is a well known regular on ach/idle which is why i was suprised and tried some digging. I found a demo in which "smieckropka"...
I'm not sure what you are expecting of us. We don't handle multi-million deals and people's lifes don't depend on us. We can afford to joke around...
Oh you poor summer child.
I'm afraid you can only blame yourself for that. Also, Is it fair to assume that you were avoiding bans by jumping into other accounts?
"It was my brother" is not an excuse simply because of how hard that is to prove.
Merry Christmas fags
Sort of? It's broken currently. It takes away your non-strange weapons on the ledges overlooking the pit but it doesn't work in the pit itself.
Sometimes idlers/afkers (most of the time heavies) slap on +attack in the console which is quote annoying and serves no point. I did got questions...
Bluekr was supposed to fix it but then he resigned and the plan kinda died.
I'm from Poland.
Wot the fok did ye just say 2 me m8? i dropped out of newcastle primary skool im the sickest bloke ull ever meet & ive nicked 300 candy bars from...
Mate, "When did it happen?" means time and date.
He had some trouble with loging in so I'm making a thread for him. Edit: it's working now, thread can be trashed.
I'm afraid it wasn't a one time thing. [ATTACH] Regardless, good luck on your app.
Separate names with a comma.