Good luck with your life!
Accused STEAM_0:0:145359909 Afk potato spy Date/time 06.08.2017 Server TF2 - Jailbreak | EU1-3 Description Advertising Cheats, Racism & Spamming....
Accused STEAM_0:0:52687650 - The Cancer Fairy Date/time 07.08.2017 5:00 Server TF2 - Jailbreak | EU1-3 Description Racisim, rude, report abuse and...
Double jumping is not cheating. Skipping a large portion of Obby using a double/triple jump is. It's just the wardens being bad.
Accused STEAM_0:1:94783334 *autistic screeching*, STEAM_0:0:206937001 CHRISTIANCOX33 Date/time 03.08.2017 03:00 Server TF2 - Jailbreak ::...
trade_hopi_plaza_v2 Looks more interesting than the rest.
Adding to lolitics's reply. Guards (BLU): - You must listen to the Warden. (Unless order is irrational). If not the Warden has permission to kill...
Hi, (If i can recall correctly) You got banned from guards for freekilling multiple people, @Faggot warned you and told you to stop but you...
Accused STEAM_0:0:19958812 Slymen Date/time 01.08.2017 2:00 Server TF2 - Jailbreak :: F-o-G.eu - Europe Description The accused sprayed porn after...
Welcome back!
Actually the "red pipe to armoury" secret is done by hitting only three trees: -Nearest tree to the finish of obby -the left tree when you stand...
Shouldn't custom LRs NOT interfere with server rules (in this case, disgusing) ?
Hello Everybody, Currently the only use for the diguise kit is to get the user banned. This tool is not allowed to be used anywhere AFAIK, not...
I've already had these rules in mind when i made my comment, spartan. I simply think that people can't make a report against every single guy with...
People who want to go warden already have enough time to do so on FoG servers and the others. The problem here is: if people don't want to go...
I'm pretty sure he means selecting random wardens after the round starts, if that's the case, I'm totally against this. This technique is used by...
Your senpai has finally noticed you.
Accused http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198130174173 Date/time 12.07.2017 Server TF2 - Jailbreak :: F-o-G.eu - Europe Description...
Accused http://steamcommunity.com/id/veryevilpig/ Date/time 11.07.2017 04:30 Server TF2 - Jailbreak :: F-o-G.eu - Europe Description Mic-spamming...
Separate names with a comma.