Bye :( I'll always remember your sick photoshop edit..
Will you still hang out in Discord and tell people to kill themselves? Please, tell me you are :(
Thanks a lot!
Get your pitchforks and torches boys. Trump. Because Hillary is corrupt as hell and has a past shadier than the phishing bots on steam. Because...
F*ck! Any chance that I can change it to TF2? Never actually joined any FoG CS:GO servers as far as I remember, if that makes a difference.
I've decided to renew my donator status and extend it to lifetime today. I paid $40, yet I only appear to be a donator on the Forums (still / now...
Neato :D Vents always very gud, davai my comrade!
I think you're confusing a signature with a weeb museum.
Sniper main is cringe. Russian sniper main is cancer. I mean, seriously, all they do is click on people.
Rest in rektness :( That really sucks. I sincerely hope you didn't lose anything too valuable with that.
He's been doing that on Jailbreak for quite a while. He was gone for a bit, but apparently he's back. Guy must be really bored to keep doing this.
Spartan summed it up pretty good. But to make sure, wipe your harddrive and reinstall your operating system.
I'll start swimming again soon, if that counts. Used to swim alot, but stopped about 3 or 4 years ago.
Fringe or Supernatural, since they're the only series that I ever really watched.
I've had this problem many times over. If you really want to "fix" it, there is a few things I can recommend. 1st you'd want to find something...
"Radio". More like !r - the channel.
Don't like them. I think Skins should've stayed in CS:GO, same going for the stupid item rank system. But then again, maybe I am just too old for...
Was getting lame with the postcards. Important change right there. If there is a "x" in the following box, Downy was here: ☒
Anywhere and anytime, you sexeh Jedi master. I have only seen pics of you and Darkregen. And most of Darkregens pictures were those I edited. And...
Separate names with a comma.