did tsm wonned?
Seynethic wins. Congrats.
Giving away south park stick of truth to celebrate my graduation this week. And because idk what else to do with the game. Winner will be drawn...
Still, the people who votebanned can be banned for abusing voteban.
We don't have any server called highertower us 2.
Steamrep reports/appeals are not handled here anymore. Go to Log in and read the right guides and make the report there. :)
Appeal denied. You said a whole bunch of shit that can't be erased with a simple sorry. Reappeal in some months if you want to.
I don't want it
[outdated] | steamname: Fahly | steam3ID: [U:1:103822106] | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:51911053 | steamID64:...
Necro + advertisement + scam I find it hilarious that he missed the 25~ knives on that spin too.
This might aswell be archived now
The first one cp_orange_final and the ctf one looks good. Most people really don't care to cap points but flag might be more entertaining.
Nope, just banned for a day for being an idiot.
Very recently banned on steamrep too Beware.
Banned af
Don't make new one tbh
Separate names with a comma.