why do you completely change your profile every day
Can someone please lock/archive this report ? Maybe mark it as invalid? Just not let it stay out here in the open? Thank you.
Worst Aim The Acidic Ham Man ...(dead serious on this one) Biggest Shitposter Ducks Are People Too ...just check JB...
This isn't much of a big problem but I posted it here anyway. So the Jailbreak EU server probably somehow glitched when someone chose low gravity...
Accused https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198799958102/ EpicBartek Date/time 11:59 Server TF2 - Jailbreak | EU1-2 Description Right...
Accused https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198051237125 XXXrumberbumberxxx Date/time 04.08.18 11:30 Server TF2 - Jailbreak | EU1-2...
Accused https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198353571891 TroliFishi( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Date/time 30.7.2018 10:20 - 10:50 Server TF2 - Jailbreak |...
Accused baconlord Date/time 18.7.2018 20:00 Server TF2 - Jailbreak | EU1-2 Description A person typed a swastika into the chat. Couldn't find his...
Report @The Acidic Ham Man for reporting too much
Back to jailbreak
Okay, so to begin - yes I, (Enjoyker (Blitz)) am mysteriously muted. And I have discussed it with FiNN and also asked Duchess FiNN told me theres...
1.Friendly fire isn't working .. (yet). 2.-Button repeat- oops - already added 3.When someone rebells, the particels around him for 25...
I'm in for it homies, call me later ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I accidentaly bought VIP for CS:GO, i've tried to look it up on my E-mail, but nothing shows me if I donated for CS:GO or TF2, can anyone help ??...
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