If it boils down to more challenging maps, then i'd make a new server for "Advanced" or "Expert" so it'd be Bhop Advanced, or something along...
bhop_horseshit_v5 Record is scripted, same guy as on bhop_forest. bhop_cyber isnt scripted for what i can see, i've checked the record and it...
Title says it all, i made this thread so you guys can post here, records that may or may not be scripted/hacked. The admins will check the...
It's kind of sad really. People spending their time ddosing shit because they think its funny/dislike the place.
bhop_grassland_speedrun is stuck as im writing this post, RTV isnt working and Downy cant do anything about it.
It's been offline for some time now i think. Basically any server on this list with "Error Connecting" is offline. [img]
I still think that admins should be allowed to change maps, or atleast start a vote.
The WR by the guy called "xaNe" Fortress of Gamers Statistics - Player Information <--- This guy. The time is indeed scripted, you can tell by...
That CAN also be a malfunction in the bot. I'll look into it later.
The WR on bhop_forest isnt scripted, or hacked. If its the 17/18 sec wr we're talking about here. It is possible to do the map in that amount of...
Finally, jesus christ. I mean how long did i have to keep going on about "ITS HAPPENING". Dont come back, its for your own good anyway. Also...
Its because of notifications and stuff, i believe. Wait for @n0name to add it manually.
I also checked to see if @Sky was banned. He isnt. FeelsIDontKnowMan
You heard it right folks! VAC has been updated, rumour has it, and a MASSIVE VAC ban wave of any LMAObox users from atleast January 2015 has been...
I think its not that good, but i guess thats my taste in music. 4/10 Are you ready to, Get It On!? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AsHKyAkxqic
You recieved a tag on Steamrep 199 days ago by us, i guess by a report on you. Tradebans and any website bans, except from this one is not...
Im removing this part, @Downie is refusing to edit my post.
Just by the nature of your chats, during the time i saw you. I'm going to go ahead and call blatant "bullshit" on this one. There is no way that...
Im gonna be real OG cringe and triggering by making this thread. [img] As you can see, discord provides quality answers to my questions. So......
Past reports have nothing to do with the current ones, we get occasional people who dont understand the rules. Now, first of all. If you didnt...
Separate names with a comma.