If it wasnt obvious from the start, yeah, i hold a grudge. Mainly due to: [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] But honestly. A warning something that i...
What if you're not donator?
Im mainly interested in these models getting added to Bhop aswell, is that a possibility?
yeah and you didnt win anything either so get fucked
Its not that WE dont trust you. The trainee system was put in due to some admins abusing their powers and permissions seeing as before the Trainee...
Can we do something like "Biggest retard", "Biggest autist" and "Biggest memer" so my parents can finally be proud of me for being nr 1 at something?
If im online at the time, please just write to me and i'll come and start a map vote. If im not online on steam, which i am most of the day. Then...
I wont post anymore until atleast five people have posted after this post dont ban me Not really my thing. 3/10...
if i get the game i'll give it to toxic as a consolation for getting tagged. Kappa just kidding.
When the blacks and the refugees found the cancer
Found multiple other scripted with assistance of @Avaritia The following is on the map bhop_muchfast_csgo_fix_fix: SmiSkarN on Sideways and...
Memeing and shitposting is basically a hobby and a profession.
I'll check the times that Massta provided later today. Currently at school and will be at a computer around 14:15ish.
Based on the screenshots you've provided, it looks like a tier 2-3. When its ready to be tested, hit me or n0name up, i'll check it on the test...
http://forums.f-o-g.eu/threads/10063-plugin-too-late-ban.html Thought it was on all servers?
I like it a lot! 8/10 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q0xK_QRuP8Y
It's alright, though its a mix, sooo. 6/10 This song somehow always makes me want to just break out and dance, i love it....
I've reopened this thread due to the possibility of a new bhop server. If you have any suggestions, please post the maps here, with a link if...
Does this mean me and yoda'll have to open up the map thread again?
Separate names with a comma.