Few maps, few cosmetics, few weapons, few cases, another update pass, that grants another update coin. Gun Mettle rip off amirite?
You were never given permission for another appeal.
SteamRep Block | steamname: Bill Guy The Science Nye | steam3ID: [U:1:275609318] | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:137804659 | steamID64:...
To follow your standard. kcyabai
It is for all servers within that game. For example, if you donated for TF2 you will get VIP across all TF2 servers. However, you would have to...
Good luck out there my friend! Stay safe! I hope to see you back, someday <3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jw8yADaCpxg
Even though it may be hard to code, I was thinking someone could make a plugin in which you aim at a location, press a bind and kill anyone within...
SteamRep Block | steamname: Ryan | steam3ID: [U:1:256439508] | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:128219754 | steamID64:...
Right, after seeing this as a really dumb report and now understanding how things work on Trade these days, I have retracted the report.
Good luck with things tri, take care.
[img] [img] [img]
It's hidden info, ignore it.
Please upload all screenshots to Fortress of Gamers - File Hosting
[img] Updated the theme a bit to my last one.
He made a report in Scam Reports: http://forums.f-o-g.eu/threads/8422-scam-awpshot-aka-syndicate.html Requesting Lock @Downy @Downie
Farewell Cellah. Good luck!
Please don't bump your appeal, it may delay a verdict.
18:10 - Spindel the Daytony: you are a brit, which makes it auto that you have a brit accent like all brits 18:11 - Spindel the Daytony: I bet you...
I asked him already, you gotta buy again. Notice game selection on the donate page: Fortress of Gamers Donations
Separate names with a comma.