Accused DarkRegen Weiss Schnee, Trance Date/time 14/05/2017 21:30 Server CSGO - Surf Beginner [Tier 1-2 | Timer | Ranks] :: Description...
Greetings fellow surfers, have you ever surfed on kitsune, have a great run fly through the doors on stage 6-8 and then suddenly lost all your...
Awesome, now surf can have some more people who have powers to stop the micspammers :DD
Accused "alejandro" STEAM_1:1:87597568 39:32 Date/time 13:45 Server CSGO - Surf Beginner [Tier 1-2 | Timer | Ranks] :: Description Kept...
Accused pekiSha KofferTV Date/time 10/05/2017 14:30 Server CSGO - Surf Beginner [Tier 1-2 | Timer | Ranks] :: Description...
Adding to this, I was on and he was doing the same, got my own evidence as can be seen below: [MEDIA]
Accused "Asunmarn "BRALEX "NO HANDS NO LIFE Date/time 17/04/2017 12:20 Server CSGO - Zombie Escape [Rank | NoBlock | FastDL] ::
It has come to my attention, after hearing about it casually before about a 3 smoke grenade exploit on ZE, the reason I am reporting it now is...
Still seems to be having issues, but I guess its because of the nature of trying to store both the skins for both zombie and normal.
Just seen this, I am just writing to say that I am backing what Avaritia, I think it has no place on the servers. We have enough problems on...
Awesome, will be dere
The nature of the music spammed, was a permaban-able offense , referring to the content of the music here being about Auschwitz and killing Jews,...
Spookes you were banned for Nazism, due to this; (4min 40) [MEDIA] See;...
5/10 alright, not something I personally would listento. [MEDIA]
Seeming as we now have the new Shop system with custom tags that allow the user of a tag without any brackets, and can be replaced with custom...
So, this one is just my personal opinion to make ZE better, sorry about the poll, I edited the thread rather than make one with pretty much the...
As said in title, the !report command in zombie escape plays the radio command, I'd suggest removing the radio command so that the report command...
As a donator on ZE I think a great addition to add to the server is an extend command for the donators, some of the maps played have multiple...
@n0name it would seem it is broken on surf too, not displaying hats pets and such, probably just needs the update.
It seems to keep the setting of the model etc, you last where, if you switch from Zombie to Human then it resets and you have to re activate/equip...
Separate names with a comma.