Scammer/Impersonator: | steamname: Tomcat2048 overpaying | steam3ID: [U:1:143721585] | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:71860792 | steamID64:...
Here you go...I've taken the screenshots you've requested. Since you didn't want anything cropped out, you will see both of my monitors, only...
Victim: | steamname: Tomcat2048 | steam3ID: [U:1:93388323] | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:46694161 | steamID64:...
Also, one other note...looks like he made his profile public yet again. He now has an unconfirmed SteamRep report from a user that has a scam...
@F7are Thank you so much...if anything like this happens again, I'll be sure to screenshot it right away next time!
Ahh...unfortunately he made his profile private now...and changed his name. His SteamID64 is still the same though. I probably should've taken the...
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