Alright, I've been playing with this feature myself, and the only solution for now, as you've said, is to edit weapon scripts + use the plugin...
That's great. I always thought those "ReadMe=>" or "INFO: " messages are unnecessary, they only eat the space and make it harder to read the...
The server is full in the evenings, so I can't join xD I've read somewhere that you wanted to increase it as soon as server becomes popular....
Hey, n0name, may I ask what these two of your plugins do? [CS:GO] Suppress Messages (1.1b) by n0:name [CS:GO] Map Message Highlighter (1.0) by...
Franc1sco franug, wow, good to see you here, man! n0name, may I ask what "gun menu" plugin you are using on f-o-g? I tried to find it on AM but...
Oh, it was actually me being dumb. I updated all the files except the .smx itself, lol. Everything seems to work fine now. Also, how did you...
Franc1sco from AlliedModders released his improved version of the zombiereloaded plugin 5 days ago, you might want to replace the current one:...
I've just read this topic on AlliedMods and now I got it. Valve is so fucking annoying. It costs them nothing to increase this damn limit, but...
Actually, there is a plugin for this purpose. It allows you to activate third person view with a !tp command. Not very playable, as you only see...
This is strange.. I played on a server with full !zmarket working (~15 custom models, player/grenade trails, glasses, wings, chat colors) and HP...
I see.. then, you can just add this feature and see people's reactions in-game :) I'm sure everybody will support it (it's not really a big deal,...
Looks like this plugin will do it:
I agree, they aren't necessary, but I think players still like them (I see other people use them all the time), so it will make a server more...
Oh, you're right, I was using a non-standart skin. Everything's okay if I use the default one. I'll try to search for any fixes to this problem...
Separate names with a comma.