Ban AppealSteamRep Block | steamname: Foxx | steam3ID: [U:1:105911945] | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:52955972 | steamID64:...
1 thing6.png Yes 2 thing7.png Yes
Those items i held onto for him for some reason and then i gave them back, no idea why he wanted me to do it but i did, I gave them all back to...
1 thing5.png Yes
There is none on 28 to 29 i think, ill check
Your link(s) # File URL Upload successful 1 thing4.png Yes
Can't remember, this was a LONG time ago, Ill check it out
Your link(s) # File URL Upload successful 1 Thing1.png Yes 2 thing2.png Yes 3 thing3.png...
Oh ok
Rrrggggg, Ok, I just did it on imgur because it was easy with ctrl + v
Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet , Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet , Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet ,...
Im sorry about the last thread, I left it because i had alot of stuff going on in my life i needed to attend to, the last thing i was asked to do...
Separate names with a comma.