Ban AppealSteamRep Block | steamname: etd1312 the raper | steam3ID: [U:1:161324520] | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:80662260 | steamID64:...
But I got a scammer tag less than a day report was made.
Can we please lift my tag before 4 may?
Done? Now care about this thread please?
I am right here! Please remove my tag.
:( but.. I don't deserve it.
Hello anyone caring about this thread?
He was banned on March 8th, the trade happened at February 3rd. Could only find this trade.
Ok so, my report: I traded those items before I got the warning tag. So a...
I don't remember JoseManel and what I traded with him so I can't comment, but I did before my warning.
Ban AppealSteamRep Block Type of appeal SteamRep tag removal/downgrade What was your in-game name...
So please lower my rep to a warning or clear it to normal.
Separate names with a comma.