[ATTACH] I'm also pretty sure I'd beat you in hair-length
http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/324/8/b/uv777_ii_by_cold_dominion-d4gt0rp.jpg <-- my pride and joy. Pics wont show properly on the forum...
Totally 10\10 One of the best tunes I've heard,ever. http://youtu.be/i8Jjy3Zy7kk
2\10, i just prefer the original. http://youtu.be/99KHIkENKBM
Whammy is always fun, especially if it's tweakable. What's worth having comes down to wether you can accept certain flaws some guitars have. some...
I've kinda stepped away from pedals lately since I'm using the AxeFX for most of my effects. Atm i mostly use volume and expression pedals, but i...
Oh dear, umm.. I've played for 8 years, mostly in tech-death, black, prog, thrash, and similiar genres. Played in two bands (none atm), released...
Had the same problem yesterday when players complained about it on 2Fort, couldnt do much.
Paypal is acting up for me atm, but I'll try again later and throw in a few quid :)
Make it a t-shirt <3
[IMG] Simplicity
Separate names with a comma.