Ban AppealSteamRep Block | steamname: 4chan User | steam3ID: [U:1:174707350] | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:87353675 | steamID64:...
Any news guys ? (im not impatient , just checking)
Kk , thanks anyways , going to sleep now , good night guys , gonna leave the work to u
Tbh , srry ForteSP , me and gravity are best steam friends , i usually don't agree with him , he has good and bad sides , but i think that he is...
or really i got no idea what's going on
Yup , i didn't know , on his first acc that he added me , everything was normal , his sr was clean , i honestly had no idea that his other acc is...
Thanks for trying to help and noticing this application :)
Seems like it , 1 more thing , i honestly didn't care about the tf2op ban since i slowly started to quit tf2 and didn't use it that much , didn't...
Screenshot by Lightshot Screenshot by Lightshot Screenshot by Lightshot He first added me on his alt , where we traded and talked normally on the...
With LifeStyle?
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