My first experiences with the Steam Controller (SC) Summary: The controller is perfect for gaming on the couch and for games without native controller support. Upsides are that all games should respond to this controller and it's flexibility in configurations. Downsides are that you can only control Big Picture UI with the joystick, not the trackpads, and that you can only change configs if you launch a game through Big Picture UI. I've tried several games with the new controller, but it worked best for simulators and probably racing/RPG games. Shooters are so-so, but practise makes perfect I think. Shooters: I've tried the SC with 2 shooters, Fancy Skulls and Team Fortress 2. While it is also a lack of good configuration, I couldn't play both games like I was used to. Either my aim was off or I was thinking which button was assigned to what. As said before, configuration is key, but finding the right configuration is hard. Sure, the community will come up with something, but right now, the majority of the community can't play with the controller yet ^.^ Anyway, I'll be trying some different shooters when I have time. Simulators: The two simulator games I've played with the SC are Plague Inc. and RollerCoaster Tycoon 3. Both don't originally support a controller, but they were easily controlled with the SC. It took some time to adjust, but again, practise makes perfect.Quality: The SC is made of black plastics and feels firm. On the back, there is a panel which can be opened to put the batteries in, which require quite some force to get into their final position. Batteries also have to be removed using a lever mechanism, which pushes the batteries out of their places. Batteries are located in the grips, so you don't have a battery block like the XB360 controller and thus free space for fingers (or other buttons). The trackpads on top feel sturdy. They function as trackpads as well as dpads/button pads etc, as they have switches located underneath them. The triggers contain a 2-staged mechanism. The first part is like you know, normal trigger style, the second part is another pressure button which can activate a second command if you want. There are also 2 buttons located on the back which can be operated by your other fingers and which are quite handy in shooters (jumping, reloading for example). The weight of the SC is roughly the same as the XB360 controller. The adapter is a small (2x1 cm?) black USB stick or a micro-usb cable (who doesn't have one of those?). Options: There are a shitload of options on the SC, I have tried 50% now I think. With the right configs, any game can be played in big picture mode (on your couch). Changing configs mid-game is easily done, so if you think the current config isn't your style, just change it! I'll try to keep testing the thing and post my experiences here, but nothing is guaranteed. I have other, more important stuff than this to do as well :/
It's €54.99 in NL. If you pre-order now, you'll get it 10th of Nov + a free copy of Rocket league and Portal 2.
Seems interesting and as far as I could tell it got a pretty positive feed all around the community. I think I might be ordering my one soon.. only if I had money.. Dammit cruel cruel world.
hmm maybe something to investigate, thought of buying xbox one controller. Maybe nice to do some more research on it before I buy something ^^
Holy shit, this thing has motion control. I didn't even know. I suggest you try it, it's pretty neat.
I think that means you can push it in and it'll register as one button, but when you push it in further you'll hear a click and it'll register as another button. Steam gives the example of being able to bind iron sights and shooting to one button.
For those who want's to know more about the controller: Pre-order Steam Controller on Steam Video: