Would like your help regarding SourceTV

Discussion in 'General' started by RIS`, Jan 10, 2016.

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  1. RIS`

    RIS` Member

    Dec 17, 2015
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    Hey, before all, apologies if this isn't the proper section post this thread.
    Also, I have next to no experience regarding SourceTV, I'd appreciate if you could explain it in a simple manner.

    With that said..

    I downloaded a demo from serveme.tf, a lobby I played, and I wanted to view it. I'm familiar with placing demos in their respective folders and playing them.
    As I start playing the demo, the camera is stuck underneath as it always is and I can just toggle that to free-roam and change it. But, I see no players in the demo. Just an empty map, like, nothing there. The health-packs/ammo boxes keep rotating so I know it's not paused or anything. I tried waiting for a couple of minutes but that's just how it goes, no players in there.

    Any idea/fix for this? Thanks, appreciate it!
  2. Chale

    Chale Member

    Jun 19, 2015
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    I've heard of this issue before and all I can think of is that your demo is either paused, slowed down or the spec_mode has a wrong value. You can try using spec_mode without a value, close the demoUI but make sure you play the demo before closing it. And have +jump and +attacked bound to any of the keys.
  3. RIS`

    RIS` Member

    Dec 17, 2015
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    Demo is neither paused nor slowed down. I tried using spec_mode w/o a value, but there's no one to spectate. Thanks for the input, though.
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