Warden telling guards to kill innocent prisoners

Discussion in 'Team Fortress 2 Servers (archive)' started by Canta Fan, Aug 2, 2017.

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  1. Canta Fan

    Canta Fan Member

    Apr 24, 2017
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    Now, recently I have encountered a problem that i was discussing with Different (because something along these lines happened)...

    It started off with someone pretty new going warden, this meant that they may have not known the rules as well but it still annoys me, lets call this person W. There is also person G which is just a normal guard and person P which is a prisoner. Person W gives some order that is not understood by P, So P asks for a repeat whilst being afk frozen and remains afk frozen. W doesn't give a repeat although being even told to do so by an admin (dunno why they still didn't do so) and W tells G to kill any prisoners still left in their cells, therefore P gets killed although still waiting for the repeat. Now was it correct for the admin to teamban G for freekill or should it have been W that gets banned as G was asked to kill P and if they didn't it would be favoritism and therefore also a teamban?

    P.S If a red heavy drops a sandvich and a rebeller picks it up is they heavy rebelling?
  2. lolitics

    lolitics Member

    Dec 28, 2016
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    Warden (BLU):
    - Don't give kill orders, e.g. "Kill this Guard" or "Kill that Prisoner", unless the person has done something wrong. (Bait, rebel, etc.)

    In this case, the Warden should be teambanned, but the Guard should be teambanned too, since he listened to an unjustified kill order
  3. Different

    Different Member

    Dec 1, 2015
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    Adding to lolitics's reply.

    Guards (BLU):
    - You must listen to the Warden. (Unless order is irrational). If not the Warden has permission to kill you.

    Both W and G should be warned/banned, in my opinion.

    And for your "P.S": I don't think it's heavy's fault for throwing a sandvich and then a rebeller picks it up. Besides, chances of this happening are very slim anyways.
  4. Pablo The Wizard

    Pablo The Wizard Member

    Jun 3, 2017
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    I think maybe add a rule that says Ignore a Freekill Orders just to make it extra clear, or even better if the warden is asked by a guard or a prisoner etc he aswell as other guards has to give a valid reason for it.
  5. lolitics

    lolitics Member

    Dec 28, 2016
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    They both are rules.
    For "if the warden is asked by a guard or a prisoner etc he aswell as other guards have to give a valid reason for it" there is
    Guards (BLU): (which includes Warden, since he is a guard too)
    - You must be able to provide a reason for killing a Prisoner if asked.

    For "Ignore a Freekill Orders" there is
    Guards (BLU):
    - You must listen to the Warden. (Unless order is irrational). If not the Warden has permission to kill you.
  6. Snake

    Snake Snake? Snake?! SNAAAAAAAAAAKE?!?!?!? Member

    Sep 12, 2015
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    -Teamban W for ignoring admin/breaking the rule "Don't give kill orders...done something wrong"
    This would have been different if the admin hadn't warned him as it could have been a misunderstanding. But since the admin has asked him multiple times, he has the permission to teamban him.
    -Teamban OR slay G for a freekill. Depends what the admin chooses. (I personally would have chosen slay since the guard may not have known that he asked for a repeat).
    -Respawn P.
  7. Faggot

    Faggot Lets make it happen! Legacy Management

    Oct 27, 2014
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    Warden needs to give a repeat, if he does not give a repeat and kills prisoners for it then he is to be punished.

    If the Warden tells a Guard to kill a Prisoner who asked for a repeat the Guard has to tell the Warden that he asked for a repeat and not kill him. If the Guard kills the Prisoner who asked for a repeat anyway he freekilled and is to be punished(slay-teamban since not everyone always pays attention to the repeats in chat)

    The Prisoner is only freekilled if he did not move at all after he asked for a repeat unless a repeat or a new order is given.

    Also heavys can give rebellers a sandvich without becoming a rebeller themselves.
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