Declined Tweaking the 2fort Rule §8b

Discussion in 'Suggestions (archive)' started by Korato, Sep 28, 2017.


Change the Rule §8b to only come in effect at a certain Playercount?

  1. Yes, if 50% of the Slots have been taken

  2. Yes, if 30% of the Slots have been taken

  3. No

    0 vote(s)
  4. Other (Comment below)

    0 vote(s)
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  1. Korato

    Korato Sarcasm Specialist Member

    Aug 20, 2013
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    so after I successfully pushed the 2fort Rules about the Intelligence, I collected some Feedback about it from players that where partying. It was overall negative since they wanted to be able to mess around with the Intelligence while partying.
    While I wouldn't recommend to change the rule §8a since spamming the intel is still annoying even at a low player count. I'm sure partying players would appriciate a tweak on the rule §8b so that they can mess around with the Intel again while partying is allowed.
    Counter argument of that is of course that even at a low Player count People might want to play serious.
    So i would love to find a middle ground: My idear is to Tweak the rule so that it only comes in effect if 30% or more of the Servers total slots (so 7 Slots if you round correctly) are being used.

    I'll leave a Poll to collect some Feedback.
    If you have another Opinion on it be sure leave it in this Thread.

    I only created this Thread to gather Opinions, not to acually push the tweak.
    I'll do that in the Suggestions Subforum once I gathered enough Opinions,
  2. Caldo

    Caldo Member

    Sep 10, 2017
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    To be honest with you.

    I think no-matter what you do, it will still be a problem. But; Having the whole '30%' thing might cause things to get complicated such a precise rule might cause people some confusion.

    As far as i could suggest: There probably wont be an easy fix. (Mabye a 'If Admins exception it' sort of deal, but... I have no idea)

    If i had to vote, I'd say the '50%' idea, because for some (kids etc.) it would be easier to figure out what half the slots are... but, hey i don't even play 2fort.

    Hope you find a good solution. :)
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