Hi there. I currently have 14 (with more easily accessible) Tuxs in storage, and I'm looking for offers on them as single items or as a set of varying amounts. These are confirmed to be tradeable, check Steam Community :: Steam for Linux. I have a Level 69 Tux too, and I'm looking for separate offers on this. I can wait out offers on these, I don't care. C/Os: Genuine Killer Exclusive for 1x Tux (TF2OP offer, very low)
They are not Tradeable atm, but will most likely be from March 1st. Until then it's useless to take offers.
These are confirmed to be tradeable, check Steam Community :: Steam for Linux. Preemptive offers, not useless.
Considering a G.killer exclusive is much better item than the tux in pretty much every way and is considered low, can i ask whats the moderate price people are willing pay for the tux? I heard they were going for one refined, that and they wont be worth much anyway.
Well considering how you have 14 to spare, and how near enough everyone is farming them due to the mass hysteria of "omeg new budz" the amount of supply will be far, far greater than the demand for them. Buds and bills raised in price as over time they became more wanted and the demand increased and since the limited number and non-obtainable quality they were in people needed trade for them to get them, and due to the amount of people willing to pay higher to insure their transaction raised the more sellers kept at that price. The problem with the tux is at people are only farming To sell them, so to ensure they sell all the tuxxes they have the only way is to lower the price so people will be willing buy them, whereas the buds people didn't really try to farm since they didn't expect them explode in price due to the economics kicking in, people who got max heads with Sam and max will back this claim up by saying they didn't expect their hat raise to such a price. Its the same problem with the G.archimedes, No one expected the balloonicon go so high so when they got the chance to get the "new g.balloonicorn" loads of people bought multipul archimedes so they could get buds, which later due to such greed made them worth no where near the price of the Balloonicorn and then they tried inflate the price by going on a 'Strike' Since the item they inflated didn't get the 2 buds they bought it for. The tux unlike the bird which warrented it atleast a decent price of 9 - 10 keys, the tux is really easy to get, and is only be gained to sell. It's similar to the robot chicken hat, people said they were the new buds and that didn't go to well as the people who horded them had sell them off cheaper then they tried hype themselves up to think it would be. Not only all that but people on outpost and other trading sites are trying to discourage people getting them as they want to have people willing pay outrageous prices for their 43 farmed tuxxes since they know these things are going flop harder than the 14 year old kids who watch to much Asdf movie. Most sellers are giving fake C/o's to try get others pay more, something which is usually common on tf2outpost. The tux over all isn't really that nice a misc and as said is really hard notice unless you tend to look at male butts or have female reskins. (This makes me wonder why i didn't take business as a lession)