Trade Trading stuff like hats

Discussion in 'Trading' started by xxsam, Apr 7, 2013.

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  1. xxsam

    xxsam Member

    Aug 27, 2012
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    I am trading a range of fancy items that don't affect the game!

    Vintage Fancy Fedora - 2 keys 2.22 ref
    Another Vintage Fancy Fedora - 2 keys 2.22 ref
    Unique Brainslug, crafted by me - 2 ref
    Unique Sharp Dresser, crafted by me - 2 ref
    Unique Tanks Killed Strange Part - 0.77 and a weapon
    Genuine Crafty Hair painted some color - 5.22 ref ( recommendation)
    Genuine Vox Diabolus - 2 ref
    Genuine Marxman - 4 ref
    Genuine Deus Specs - 8 ref
    Unique Aqua Flops - 4 ref
    Strange Jag - 2 ref
    Another Strange Jag - 2 ref
    Yet another Strange Jag - 2 ref
    One more Strange Jag - 2 ref
    Strange Wrench - 1.33

    And other stuff in here - TF2 Backpack Explorer - - offer on anything not listed.

    Add me using this: Add Friend - fog | xxsam
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2013
  2. Damiensdk

    Damiensdk Banned

    Oct 14, 2012
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    Selling a brainslug?
    You sicken me.
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