Rejected The Golden Werewolf

Discussion in 'Admin Reports (archive)' started by Captain_Obvious, Oct 11, 2012.

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  1. Captain_Obvious

    Captain_Obvious Member

    Oct 11, 2012
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    Golden Werewolf is killing everywhere in godmode and invisible and wont discuss because he disabled my complains about him.Also has not helped me how to enable trade, although i wrote it 5 times in chat.
  2. Bunnie_Lord

    Bunnie_Lord Member

    Aug 27, 2012
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    Who are you (Steam nickname)?
    Which server?
    This could also have happened months ago ;)
  3. Doktor kengineer

    Doktor kengineer Member

    Aug 28, 2012
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    Seriously though, I assume this happened on the trade server to which if you we're killed around the libary area its most likely due to you disturbing something by accident (that usally tends to be the case with these threads).

    The trade-system not working for you could just be a bug on the system since that happens alot before big updates (all abord the mysterious promo train, choo-choo) or You are F2p and if either are the case there isn't much we can do, Upon inspection of the chatlog (Considering this account is yours) i think the server already details how to do Tradechat.

    I assume he muted you due to your "complaints" being "little HACKER ADMIN.", "nice invisibility and godmode hack." Which accusations like that are annoying (Also he mentioned him using said Invisibility and godmode to let him do his job easier on the previous verion of this thread)

    and i agree with Bunnie more information would be helpful.
  4. The Golden Werewolf

    The Golden Werewolf Member

    Aug 27, 2012
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    I muted him for the reason that he's been spamming chat for the last 2 hours with "HOW TO TURN TRADE CHAT ON" To which I've responded at least 4 times, yes, he keeps shouting "HACKER ADMIN", he's been spawncamping, abusive to players, ignoring admins (Me and Downie)

    As for the "Killing everyone" I've been sitting outside of my spawn killing the spawncampers (Yes with godmode, it's kind of needed) I've also been doing this to my team as well, many people complain about me killing them/kicking them for spawncamping and then act like I'm the bad guy, as you can expect, I'm sick of it. To be honest, after how many times I've had to kick/ban you, you should really have expected a much worse punishment than the one you've been given.

    TL;DR, Grow up, stop being a bloody crybaby.
  5. Downie

    Downie CEO of Downcorp Retired Staff Member

    Sep 9, 2012
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    It's true what Werewolf said and also sort of what Captain said.
    Yes he was killing with godmode on, But like werewolf said, It was outside his own spawn, killing the people who where spawn camping.
    I don't get how he got that werewolf didn't helped him with the question of tradechat. The server himself spams it every x min, And sam and werewolf and I said to him that he needed to use /t

    Please, Next time if you come with a complain to someone. Make sure you fill in enough information, and know why he killed/muted/banned/slay etc you. Keeps the forum cleaner.
  6. Captain_Obvious

    Captain_Obvious Member

    Oct 11, 2012
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    I am sorry if i annoyed you with this, but i had not seen a message how to enable trade chat, but today the 12thDecember2012, GoldenWerewolf has just banned kind of random, in 5 minutes there was just like 5 bans all for spawn camping, at least one of them, so he told me, was just killing the snipers, because if he didnt, there would be just sniper vs sniper. As i saw this i said that it is really kind of random to ban spawnkillers but not people who are trying to get bills for two keys and that i just will get happy or will get muted, cause it is the same everytime, so i dissconnected, everything was fine, without the scammer before, so one other friend got banned too, i tried to reconnect to tell him that it is really anoying to ban everybody, but i got banned instant instead. I thought he had quit tf2 so i did not watch the thread again and he was in front of my spawn and i wasnt banned before but never mind this, as ban reason there is now :"surprise motherfucker" banned for a week and three days. i just want to say that this is really no base to discuss and it is cowardly to mute everybody just because he knows he has no arguments. I like the server still very much and i have nothing against the other admins because they are fair. I just want to hear the arguments against this.
  7. The Golden Werewolf

    The Golden Werewolf Member

    Aug 27, 2012
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    So in this report, you insult me multiple times, call me an abuser (Which I have chat logs to prove) and insult me even more. Yup.

    The ban you have is from insulting me, then quickly leaving to escape a ban. You rejoined about 5 minutes later, probably assuming I'd forgotten about it.
  8. n0name

    n0name Administrator

    Aug 27, 2012
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    Simply sit your ban out and after you're unbanned, respect the Rules.
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