Team Fortress 2 Update Released

Discussion in 'Updates' started by n0name, Sep 24, 2015.

  1. n0name

    n0name Administrator

    Aug 27, 2012
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    Steam SteamRep
    An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include:

    • Added LBTF2 Highlander Season 2 and LBTF2 6v6 Season 11 tournament medals
    • Added an "Unusual Effect" checkbox for the Steam Workshop import tool
    • Fixed a client crash related to the material system
    • Fixed seeing [unknown] for player names in item descriptions
    • Fixed a lighting bug with static props
    • Fixed custom item_teamflag models not drawing properly
    • Fixed a case where the Stat Clock model would float in the air while the player was taunting
    • Fixed a case where the Sniper zoom could get stuck after picking up a weapon
    • Fixed a push bug with The Scorch Shot and giant robots in Mann vs. Machine mode
    • Fixed the Spy Sapper not drawing on robots in Mann vs. Machine mode
    • Updated the slosh sounds used for footsteps
    • Updated the localization files
    • Updated the vote system so player can extend the current map using the “Extend Current Map” vote in the Vote Setup menu
      • Server admin can configure this new feature using the convars sv_vote_issue_extendlevel_allowed and sv_vote_issue_extendlevel_quorum
    • PASS Time update
      • Rounds will continue after the timer expires until the jack becomes neutral or someone scores
      • The jack will heal its carrier to full health
      • Added tf_passtime_unstable for testing unstable features
      • Unstable features
        • Attack, defense, and support classes have different throwing arcs (tf_passtime_throwspeed, tf_passtime_throwarc)
        • The jack inherits some of the thrower's velocity (tf_passtime_throwspeed_velocity)
      • Added an alternate version of pass_warehouse: pass_warehouse_goal2
        • Instead of scoring by throwing the jack into the goal, players need to carry the jack into the goal
    Hi PASS Time players! Join the Official PASS Time Steam Group to help test experimental new content before it goes live to the world! Be the first to get the latest PASS Time news, watch some of the mode's best plays, share your feedback, play with the dev team, and more!

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