[SteamRep tag removal/downgrade] Ban Appeal - CrashTheSystem

Discussion in 'Bans (archive)' started by CrashTheSystem, Jul 12, 2016.

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  1. CrashTheSystem

    CrashTheSystem Member

    Jul 12, 2016
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    Steam SteamRep
    I really want to have erased the Ban.
    I'll explain why. it was over 400 days ago and i extremely regret the decisions that i made and that i were younger and i have realized my mistakes.
    Im Really Really Sorry, I was a little boy at the time and did not understand trades! yeah yeah i know. i was so stupid! Please forgive me!
    I promise I will not do it anymore. CrashTheSystem.
    My Steam Profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/ValveMenegar/
    My Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:90746854
    Please forgive me!
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2016
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