Rejected [SteamRep tag removal/downgrade] Ban Appeal - CF RAFFLES

Discussion in 'Bans (archive)' started by Rhino, Aug 24, 2015.

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  1. Rhino

    Rhino Member

    Aug 10, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Ban Appeal
    SteamRep Block
    | steamname: Rhino [VJC]
    | steam3ID: [U:1:176396767]
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:88198383
    | steamID64:
    | customURL:
    | steamrep:
    Type of appeal
    SteamRep tag removal/downgrade
    What was your in-game name when you got banned?
    When did it happen?
    July of 2015
    What's the specified reason?
    1. Impersonation with intent to defraud
    2. Attempted manual hijack
    Why do you think you should be unbanned?
    My account was hacked. I have raised a support ticket with Valve. The hijacker had my account for 5 minutes. He changed my account name to CF RAFFLES . Thankfully I was able to get it back as I was online when it happened and I quickly changed my password before he had a chance to. After they changed my name to CF RAFFLES he started spamming raffle sites to all my friends. Do you think I would want to go around called CF RAFFLES?

    Secondly, shufflespy, who reported me, included a screenshot of the conversation. This was just after I found out what happened. If you read it, I told him to block me. If I was deliberately trying to scam, I wouldn't be telling the the people affected to block me now would I?

    I've included the full report on the hack with Valve tech support. I've obviously blanked out out the bits with email and credit card info as this is a public forum.
    I've had to upload the screens in 3 sections as I can't fit the whole thing in, but it all follows section by section.

    Attached Files:

  2. Littlemadtiger

    Littlemadtiger Forum Police Member

    Jun 7, 2015
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    Do you have any possible pictures of the chat between you and the hijacker, or at least someone who you told to block?

    Been dealing with a similar event in my other group, so sit tight mate. A trade moderator will take care of this momentarily.
  3. Rhino

    Rhino Member

    Aug 10, 2015
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    The only one I have is the one that the guy who reported made. It was by a guy called shuffle spy. When he reported me, he included a screenshot of his conversation with me. You can see the raffle spam, then you can see me, just after I discovered the hack, telling him to block me. He very helpfully told me to f*ck off while trying to warn him. Nice guy.

    I've included the pic here, but if you want to see it in it's raw state to make sure I haven't messed with it, the link to the original report is here:

  4. Littlemadtiger

    Littlemadtiger Forum Police Member

    Jun 7, 2015
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    Well, off of a neutral opinion of mine, I have to say that anyone can tell someone to block them, regardless if they're impersonating a bot or not. Secondly, it seems very suspicious that you were able to reply back fairly quickly (2 minutes time difference between the bot message and the actual block me message, but yet he/she held your account for 5 minutes, like in your story?). But then again, people can easily get their accounts acquired back to them (but, i'm not sure about the time that takes).

    Then again, this is only my opinion about this situation.
  5. Tio José das Vacas

    Tio José das Vacas Senior Trade Moderator

    Jun 29, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Steam SteamRep
    Hello @Rhino@Rhino , I need to see the steam support ticket in full screen showing the url bar, if necessary take several screenshots.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 15, 2016
  6. n0name

    n0name Administrator

    Aug 27, 2012
    Likes Received:
    Steam SteamRep
    - No Steam Support ticket provided within the past 7 days.
    - Steam account unlinked from forum account.

    This appeal has been denied.
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