Hello, after quite some time (>= year) and after some calculating, I've decided to order gameMe again. Compared to HLXCE (which we currently use), it offers several advantages: - first and biggest one, performance: the stats pages will load in less than half a second instead of 3, also the in-game responses are much faster. Additionally, there will be a LOT less lags/stutterings (like they happen from time to time atm) on the Gameservers, as HLXCE won't be saving data anymore (and causing lags). - as a result of the above, the stats will be a lot more accurate, due to the fact that gameMe is more stable (and doesn't lose data). To not completly start over on zero, the old stats will be imported for the most part (chat logs and some old kill stats (which expire after 28 days), won't be imported). As our Database is really big (~1.3 GB) and to not affect the Gameservers that much, Stats will be shutdown from: Sunday, August 4 4 PM CEST to: Unknown, most likely 8/9 PM the same day. So no Kills/Deaths/Chats/etc will be logged. The old Stats Page will be available for 28 Days (until the chat logs expire), after that we'll delete the subdomain.
UPDATE: GameMe is currently importing the old Stats, progress at 270k/850k Players. ETA about today late night (~9-11 PM)
Stats import is done (to be exact, since 8 AM) Everything has been imported, except detailed Kill Stats (who you killed the most) and Server Chat logs. But those expire after 28 Days anyways. IMPORTANT! If you got an Admin Application open, please update the link to your Stats Page! HLStatsX:CE is no longer working. The new Stats URL is: http://stats.f-o-g.eu