What was your name when you got banned? Speedy When did it happen? 30 minutes ago What's the specified reason? (http://bans.f-o-g.eu) Ignoring an admin's wishes Why do you think you should be unbanned? I was duelling against Damiensdk, after he got 3 kills and I got 2, they said I lost and that I agreed that the next kill wins, however I don't remember agreeing. Nevertheless, Golden Werewolf asked me to change teams. I asked why. "Because an admin tells you to" I told him that it's not a good enough reason, and to tell someone else. Then I got banned for the reason above. Seriously? I mean, seriously? I got banned by The Golden Werewolf, and I think his reason is just way too stupid.
I still think this is not an appropriate reason to ban someone. At least you could tell me the reason why you want me to move teams...
Legitimate ban reason, in the ban menu. "Ignoring admins", you clearly ignored my wishes. That's a reason for a ban. Seeing as how this is a 60 minute ban, you're best off to stop moaning about the ban and wait about 20 minutes.
If you said "Give me your bills hat" and I said no, would I be banned too? As that's the way you're understanding it.
Do you realise how retarded that sounds? My request was entirely do-able and almost anyone else would have been perfectly OK with it, comparing that to a THREAT just shows how little you know about being an admin. -5 faiths in humanity
But I do not understand why do you have to switch teams after you lose a battle. How does that make sense? I only battled about 2 times but I never got asked to swap teams afterwards :/
Swapping teams ends the duel, Damien, Downy, Downie, Cheat and multiple others told you that you'd lost the duel, changing team would never have gotten this shitstorm started. I refer you back to my original post. A moment ago - n0name: And now stop complaining, it's a simple one-hour ban.
Right. Now that's what you should have told me on the server, and not here. I did not know that That is what you all wanted. Telling me I lost the battle doesn't really explain anything. In that case I apologise, but the ban was unnecessary. Requesting lock.