SteamRep block whats that Alternate accounts What was your in-game name when you got banned? Nico When did it happen? 08.08.2018 What's the specified reason? My friend was a retard and said 'n*gga' and he got banned, so i said in voice chat as a joke 'He don't wanted to say the n word, he just wanted to say naggers' It was a joke from southpark, i never said the n word and i got banned for saying naggers, its not racism.. just a joke based on southpark. Why do you think you should be unbanned? wrote everything in the reason box, sorry
Hey, I dont see a reason why we should unban you tbh. I said in chat that its not allowed to use the nword or any substitute on this server. Still did you and your friend say it on purpose.
Dude.. I NEVER said n*gger, srsly, thats not fair, naggers are animals, yes u can think i just wanted to say something similar to it but im not a racist lol, black people are the best lmao
My dude. Can you read? Hold on, let me zoom in right quick, just in case. Oh, shoot wait. Still can't read it? Don't worry bud, I gotchu. On a serious, more mature note. You weren't talking about the animal. In this situation, you tried to replace the racial slur. And Marcel warned before you did that, so own up to it mate. I believe it'd be okay to give you a second chance, personally, with a lessened ban rather than permanent. You still did what you did tho, and that's not okay boi.
Hello again, Well im gonna unban you this time, but keep in mind that we dont tolerate such a behaviour on our Servers. Next violation will lead into another permanent ban which won't be lifted.