Archived Scam Attempt - The Chef

Discussion in 'Scam Reports (archive)' started by Miss Piggy, Jun 25, 2016.

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  1. Miss Piggy

    Miss Piggy Member

    Jun 25, 2016
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    Steam SteamRep
    Accused profile: 76561197970792598
    | steamname: The Chef
    | steam3ID: [U:1:10526870]
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:5263435
    | steamID64:
    | customURL:
    | steamrep:

    Victim profile: 76561198026013069
    | steamname: Miss Piggy
    | steam3ID: [U:1:65747341]
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:32873670
    | steamID64:
    | customURL:
    | steamrep:

    What happened? Description:
    The user had an advert on reddit about his backpack. I added him and wanted to buy his backpack. He wanted me to trade my keys to his "friend" and in return he would trade me his items. His account was trade held for 15 days, but his friend wasn't. He initially wanted paypal, but then said he'd accept keys.

    I said it would be better to include the keys in the trade, but he did not want to do this. Then I told him I would only trade the keys after the items had gone through in 15 days.

    Obviously this user was going to cancel the transaction after I had traded my keys.

    His "friend" is called Glek.

    I have attached the chat log.​

    Provide Evidence:
    Never tell your password to anyone.
    Saturday, 25 June 2016
    12:45 PM - Miss Piggy: Hi
    12:45 PM - The Chef: yo
    12:45 PM - Miss Piggy: Saw on reddit you were thinking of selling your backpack.
    12:45 PM - The Chef: yea for paypal money
    12:46 PM - Miss Piggy: Sorry. I only do TF2 keys
    12:46 PM - Miss Piggy: Safer for everyone
    12:48 PM - The Chef: ok trade them to my friends account and ill trade them to you on this account
    12:49 PM - Miss Piggy: Sorry I don't understand?
    12:50 PM - The Chef: here trade them to glek and ill send u all my tf2 stuff
    12:50 PM - The Chef:
    12:50 PM - Miss Piggy: So you want me to send my keys ot Glek for nothing in return and then you'll send me the items?
    12:50 PM - The Chef: ill give u the items first
    12:51 PM - Miss Piggy: ok. Well that's fine, but why wouldn't I just give you the keys in the trade?
    12:51 PM - The Chef: because i dont want them on this account anymore
    12:51 PM - The Chef: i am quitting later
    12:51 PM - Miss Piggy: ok. How many keys?
    12:51 PM - The Chef: idk u tell me
    12:52 PM - The Chef: what kind of keys?
    12:52 PM - Miss Piggy: I'll do some calculations. TF2 keys. brb
    12:54 PM - Miss Piggy: I can do 10 TF2 keys
    12:55 PM - The Chef: how much money is dat
    12:55 PM - Miss Piggy: ok. Well depends whether you are converting to cash or to steam funds
    12:55 PM - Miss Piggy: steam funds = about $2.50 per key.
    12:55 PM - Miss Piggy: paypay it's around $1.80 per key
    12:55 PM - Miss Piggy: *paypal*
    12:55 PM - The Chef: ok great send me a trade and send glek all those keys
    12:56 PM - The Chef: can u paypal me money for this s✿✿✿ insted
    12:56 PM - The Chef: i can just give u this whole account tbh because ive just hacked this acc
    12:56 PM - Miss Piggy: sorry. I don't have a paypal account
    12:56 PM - Miss Piggy: ?
    12:56 PM - The Chef: i have no idea what this tf2 item stuff is worht can we just trade
    12:57 PM - Miss Piggy: So you stole someone's account?
    12:57 PM - The Chef: no i bought it from him
    12:57 PM - Miss Piggy: ok
    12:57 PM - The Chef: and u just added me
    12:57 PM - The Chef: send me a trade offer
    12:58 PM - The Chef: gift some games to glek
    12:58 PM - Miss Piggy: ok. Just to be clear. I will send you a trade for the items and once that's gone through I'll send 10 TF2 keys to your friend Glek
    12:58 PM - The Chef: k do it
    12:58 PM - The Chef: idk if i can accept because i just bought this acc so
    12:58 PM - Miss Piggy: ok.
    12:58 PM - The Chef: whatever
    12:59 PM - Miss Piggy: I will need to add glek as well
    12:59 PM - The Chef: ok add him can we hurry this up
    1:00 PM - Miss Piggy: your items will be held for 15 days as you don't have mobile authenticator. I won't send the keys until the trade completes in 15 days or I can add the keys in the trade now
    1:00 PM - The Chef: did u trade me
    1:01 PM - Miss Piggy: nope. Not yet. You don't have mobile authenticator. So I won't send the keys until the trade completes. Is that ok?
    1:01 PM - The Chef: ok idk what u want or who u are but just give glek the keys
    1:02 PM - Miss Piggy: in 15 days time when the trade completes
    2:29 PM - The Chef is now Online.
    2:31 PM - The Chef: I do not know who you talked to earlier, but this bastard scammed me for my account and then tried to scam you too. I have the email conversation. Basically, they got ahold of it, and then scammed for Keys.
    2:32 PM - Miss Piggy: good try. but I'll let steam rep, and FOG sort that out. I'm reporting this conversation to all three right now
    2:32 PM - Miss Piggy: Also reporting glek.
    2:32 PM - The Chef: I have it back now, but his Reddit name is I see digglets
    2:32 PM - The Chef: That's fine.
    2:35 PM - The Chef is now Away.​

    Screenshots added.

    Attached Files:

  2. Enstage

    Enstage Senior Trade Moderator

    Feb 15, 2015
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    Steam SteamRep

    We classify a scam as a "broken trade agreement", meaning you originally agreed on a trade which was broken by the other party. In this context it is impossible to prove what would have happened had you gone through with the trade, hence we cannot mark for this.

    In future, please make sure your screenshots are not cropped (your current screenshots would not have been accepted in their current state).

    Thanks for the report nevertheless!
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