Suspected Scammer : | steamname: Leroy Diaz | steam3ID: [U:1:180959830] | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:90479915 | steamID64: | customURL: | steamrep: SR Admin Impersonnator : | steamname: Clive | steam3ID: [U:1:176391242] | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:88195621 | steamID64: | customURL: | steamrep: Victim : | steamname: [QLG] SplitSeven | steam3ID: [U:1:104596893] | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:52298446 | steamID64: | customURL: | steamrep: What happened : This guy added me, and wanted to trade my knife for one of his "collection". I was carefull because he doesn't have any CS : GO items, and the "storage link" he provide on his profile goes to an amazing inventory, where anything cost 2 times my knife. He then started to talk about bugged stuff, and that SR Admin have a device to detect glitch. He send me a link of the Steam profile of a SR Admin, I read the "Summary" thing and notice that he won't take my knife, because he is Trade Ban, and because there is a lot of impersonnation. He sent me a trade offer link of this guy, I opened it, everything works, but obviously that's not the real admin (the real one have a trade ban). Ovious scam attempt. Screenshot : -Scammer's Steam profile -Real SR admin's Steam profile -Our chat (in 3 parts) I only have the right of 5 screenshots, tell me if others are needed like the impersonnator's steam profile or other stuff.
Thanks for the report. A full tag will be applied to 76561198141225558 for an attempted fake middleman scam. The impersonator has already been banned by SteamRep for the impersonation, so we won't apply a tag to him. Hidden Content: **Hidden Content: Content of this hidden block can only be seen by members of (usergroups: Legacy Trade Moderator).**