Report for middleman trade scams

Discussion in 'Scam Reports (archive)' started by 10/10 Wood Screw, Jul 31, 2015.

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  1. 10/10 Wood Screw

    10/10 Wood Screw Member

    Jul 31, 2015
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    Okay so recently i was trading my butterfly knife boreal forest ft so i posted offer on, hours passed and i get a message from he asked, "what do you want for your knife?". So i quickly scan his inventory and this guy has about $40k in knives(prob scammed) and has mountains and mountains of unique and exotic skins that everyone wants to have. So we start group chat with garr3tt(impersonating actual garr3tt) and I had never done this before so I was a bit confused. So garr3tt then sent the trade offer to take my knife and twitch streamer knife but this wasn't the case....quickly after sending trade garr3tt leaves the group and after that the twitch streamer wasn't responding to me. So it was then I realized what had been done. I had lost the best thing in my that's why i came here so I can tell you guys what just happened and try to put a stop to these two scammers before the cheat someone else out of their money. And if anyone has any extra skins they don't need/want send me offers I'm always online.
  2. F7are

    F7are Member

    Nov 19, 2014
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    Please use the correct format, placed in the correct subforums.

    Scam Reports

    Read the stickies and make a report based off of that. We cannot help you properly without you meeting these requriements. @10/10 Wood Screw@10/10 Wood Screw
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 15, 2016
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