Resolved Report on Matt: Orange x3

Discussion in 'Player Reports (archive)' started by Littlemadtiger, Jul 31, 2016.

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  1. Littlemadtiger

    Littlemadtiger Forum Police Member

    Jun 7, 2015
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    Accused Name/steamid: Matt/ STEAM_0:1:31115426
    Time (format HH:mm): 10:00am-2:00pm from his chatlogs.
    Server: Orange x3
    Description (describe what happend):
    I first warned him to stop using language in our server, and disrespecting the admins here. he even got to the point of this type of language here. He continuously was abusing the report button and voteban on many of our regulars on orange. I kicked him many times hopefully trying to drive him out, but he kept coming back. Every time I used a gag, he left and joined back. It eventually got to the point where I needed to silence him on multiple occasions. Also, leaving when I issued them.
    His chat-log alone should be the reason for his ban. He was beyond my control as a trainee, and pretty much lead to a headache for our regulars and myself.

    Witnesses (optional): Adridzhan, Ebola-Chan.

    Proof (images, videos, demos):

    Fortress of Gamers Statistics - Player Chat History
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2016
  2. n0name

    n0name Administrator

    Aug 27, 2012
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    Steam SteamRep
    The player reported has been permanently banned for:

    1.) Admin disrespect
    2.) Inappropiate language
    3.) Abusing the report/voteban system.

    Thank you for your report!
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