Invalid Petrov at it again

Discussion in 'Player Reports (archive)' started by Charles, Oct 11, 2015.

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  1. Charles

    Charles Member

    Oct 11, 2015
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    | steamname: z.E.U.N /M/
    | steam3ID: [U:1:86203897]
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:43101948
    | steamID64:
    | customURL:
    | steamrep:

    Time and date: 11th of October 2015 around 08:40 GMT
    Proof: Screenshot_4.png
    He's back with a new name trying to paypal scam me this time:

    z.E.U.N /M/: yo man wassup
    Charles: hey
    z.E.U.N /M/: hey =) u still trynna sell your ak?
    Charles: yup
    z.E.U.N /M/: oh nice man. how much and how?
    Charles: paypal and £25
    Charles: or a knife
    z.E.U.N /M/: well I want to buy it and Im ready to give 25
    z.E.U.N /M/: also I won't send you invoices or fake money
    z.E.U.N /M/: just saying at the begginin
    z.E.U.N /M/: so you know that you are not working with a wrong person
    Charles: well that makes me feel a bit better since i have this level 1 guy with 1 game offering and i don't trust him at all
    Charles: you seem a bit more trustworthy
    z.E.U.N /M/: dont trade with him lol
    Charles: i'm just going to unfriend him and block him
    z.E.U.N /M/: no games = probably scam
    Charles: my thoughts exactly
    z.E.U.N /M/: yep man.. I'm just asking, im going first, right
    z.E.U.N /M/: ?
    Charles: if that's ok with you yeah
    Charles: first time so i'm pretty worried lol
    z.E.U.N /M/: no need to be worried since im able to go first if you help me get certain amount of proof so I can possibly return my stuff if you scam me which i truly believe you won't
    Charles: sure no problem
    z.E.U.N /M/: first of all i ll just ss your prof and our chat
    z.E.U.N /M/: gimme a min
    z.E.U.N /M/: hey here i am
    z.E.U.N /M/: i took some pictures, first
    z.E.U.N /M/: r u here dude
    Charles: yup
    z.E.U.N /M/: oh okay
    z.E.U.N /M/: now if you wouldn't mind i'll need some help about the trade
    z.E.U.N /M/: actually about the proof
    z.E.U.N /M/: so I can feel more safer doing this
    z.E.U.N /M/: since obviously im the one going first
    z.E.U.N /M/: so if you're down to help me i'm good
    Charles: sure
    z.E.U.N /M/: ok thanks man. ill just copy you the text from my notepad since its borring to type a longer text to any seller. one sec
    z.E.U.N /M/: Ok first of all could you please check if your e-mail confirmation thing is turned on? If it's not please turn it on cause I don't want to ruin this trade. If it's off please turn it on and keep it like that. After that i'll need you to invite me on trade, then put your skin in(the one im trying to buy), accept the trade and then when it comes up to your e-mail, keep it there, don't accept it, and after that just send me the msg on my e-mail so I can have the message from your e-mail, about our trade, to my e-mail, so that's what I need and the trade will be completed after that. So if you have any questions or you think I could possibly scam you, let's try this out with shit skins, I'll forward you the msg on your e-mail, you'll try to accept it, and then when you see that you don't have to worry about anything, we ll proceed the trade. If not please tell me what is wrong instead of removing me.
    Charles: yeah ok not a problem

    Thanks to the mighty steamrep I found out he was a scammer before he got me.
  2. Pointy

    Pointy Banned

    Mar 30, 2014
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  3. Downie

    Downie CEO of Downcorp Retired Staff Member

    Sep 9, 2012
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