Oh the friends I have...

Discussion in 'General' started by Fluffaluffacus, Dec 3, 2012.

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  1. Fluffaluffacus

    Fluffaluffacus Member

    Nov 16, 2012
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    I am extremely thankful for all of the friends I have here. So far, I've received an Unusual Geisha Boy with bubbles, a genuine quadwrangler, and some good trades from the people around me. I've been accepted by the new staff and community and truthfully feel welcomed. I hope to be having many good times with all of you.

    This brings me to the point of this post. I want to get to know each of you better, perhaps more personally. I know many people have problems, or worries and I'd like to help if at all possible. If you ever need to talk to anyone about anything, whether it be as simple as "This sucks." All the way up to "I want to end my life." Please...talk to me. I am a listener, an unbiased (as much as possible) person, and will try to help as much as I can. Sometimes talking is all that is needed. Family problems, school, bullying, fears, depression, and even if you just want to talk...please, do so. Find me on steam, message me on here, we can even talk over Skype if requested. I am here for everyone, not just as a server admin but as a friend and confidant as well.

    The holiday season can be a fun and enjoyable time but it can truly bring out some bad memories or have bad thoughts circulating. Talk to someone if not me, because that truthfully can make all the difference. Trust me.
    I'd Know.
  2. cheatnow

    cheatnow The desert fox Legacy Admin

    Oct 15, 2012
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    well fluffy fluff if you ever need cuddling then you jump into my arms <3
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