Hello everyone. Recently i've been getting a lot of people attempting to hijack either my items for my account, using this following method. So, first of all they find a victim, this works the exact same way as any phish bot where they will basically automatically message you something when you accept them. These links are basically links to Google Docs, and how it works is that steam will not give you a "this website is not an offical steam website" or whatever it says when you click links that arent verified by steam as an official website, or trusted one. These links will have "=download" at the end of the link, meaning that when you click that link it will automatically download a file or program that will most likely either hijack your items or your account. A way to avoid phish or keylogger bots is basically: View their profile, if they are level 0 or 1 dont accept them, and if you for example. Send a trade on CSGOlounge and they add you just as you publish the trade, 99% of the time they will be bots. Stay safe, people.
optionally; do not accept friend requests stay in your room stay inside forever fear no evil hear no evil feel no evil give persona to inanimate objects you now have a sodacan that's basically Sean Connery be happy
Because people are still retarded enough to accept random friend requests and as soon as they get a random (totally not fishy) link they brainlessly press it. Like c'mon, common sense right?
If you need, you can send me all those lovely links of yours and I'll get 'em blocked across Steam. Tio and Chride can also do this too, there are a few others. Also: Spoiler 1k posts. I have no life.
I'm sorry, but if the first thing a newly added friend does, is sending you a link, and you click it, you are dumb and you should feel bad.
The really really sad part about this isn't the fact that this is actually a thing, the sad part is that Darkregen felt the need to post this uh, fucking, sick "lifehack" because he knows people are fucking dumb and are going to click it eitherway. I'd say that it makes me want to cry but it just, kind of don't anymore.
Actually, i just wanted to make sure people were aware, though it should not be nessesary for me to post this.