New Head Admin After some time of consideration, discussion and generally flinging feces at each other we've finally decided on a new Head Admin for our custom servers; Starfish! Starfish will be the new contact person for any questions or problems regarding the custom servers. While you are obviously free to contact me or any other VA, contacting the server group in question's HA is recommended. We wish Starfish the best of luck in this new position. We also have two Head Admin spots remaining for the other server groups, feel free to apply if you're interested. Unrelated note I'll be inactive for a few weeks due to having not enough time left to spend on FoG. While I'll still answer your questions etc, it will be with a delay. I recommend going to either Chickpoint or Watson if you have any pressing matters. I figured this wasn't worth a whole announcement on its own so I'll just steal some of Starfish's glory.