So over the past few months or so iv been collecting autographs of notable people in the community and i figure i would share what i got up to here. My plan was getting everybody's autograph on this list SteamRep ยป Community Admins If any of you guys happen to be close friends with any of these users, it would be great if you can lend me a hand. What i plan to do with this "collection" is possibly raffle it or sell it and donate a % to charity. Obviously this is going to take a decent amount of time to complete but its defiantly worth it. These are the ones i have so far. I know some of them like Geele are not on the list but he has defiantly added a lot of useful things to the steam community and that's really what me getting autographs is all about. 1- HelenAngle (Merc Muffler) 2- Commander Schwegs (Champ Stamp) 3- Geele9 (Shooters Topi) 4- J-O-N (Spooky Sleeves) 5- -GoV- dark1ne.Oz (The Hot Dogger) 6- Diego (The Quadwrangler) 7- JJJJ (Point and shoot) 8- Accell (The Giesha Boy) 9- Thidran {MCT} (Western Wear) 10- DataStorm (Surgeons Side Satchel)
Unfortunately, I know none.. but you know you want mine. Edit: Why not get n0's while you're here too..
No offense, but n0:name is not really somebody who has made a considerable difference throughout the history of tf. Yet. He's not even on that list. Madness I tell you!