What was your name when you were banned? KazaKow When did this happen? 13/01/2013 around 14:00 What is the reason? (http://bans.fog.net) I Needed playing on the server and Trade Idle I have been disconnected from the server and I got a message saying I was banned from the server! Why do you think you should be unbanned? I've done nothing wrong I was banned when I've done nothing at all if you want you can check to see what I did ... Ps: Sorry but I do not speak English I speak French (my cousin help me) Thank you in advance
Ce qu'il veut dire: Au map "Trade Idle" il y a un pièce avec le nom bibliothèque/library (il y a une étagère à livres au mur). Il est interdit de tuer dans cette place et une violation de cette règle est punit avec un ban temporaire.
He doesn't speak English well, does he? Obéis les règles la prochaine fois. Le ban est sans vigueur. And I request closure.