Resolved KéVLar l

Discussion in 'Player Reports (archive)' started by Miller1989, Sep 30, 2016.

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  1. Miller1989

    Miller1989 Member

    Sep 4, 2016
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    Accused: "KéVLar l" "STEAM_1:1:9920448

    Time: 30.9.2016 13:00

    Server: Surf Beginner #1 [Tier 1-2 | Timer | Ranks] ::

    Description: I came to the server and greeted everyone as usual, to see who was willing to talk. Someone said "stfu" and I just thought to myself "what a classic". I tried to defuse the situation by being nice to him and asking why he is being so mean. This didn't work and it just got worse. He bullied me the whole time and didn't even let me have a conversation with someone. After a while I just lost it because I got really hurt. He got really personal. I told him that I was recording and that he should just chill but he didn't stop. Unfortunately I started recording too late because I wasn't prepared for this to happen. He even told me that he donated and therefor nothing would happen to him anyways. That was the moment I just left because I was getting angrier and thought that it won't work anyways. I am still uploading the video so you can review it.
    Also I started insulting him back every now and than because I wasn't gonna let him just do with me as he pleases.

    PS: I am sorry for doing that but I got really mad and I also accept feedback and/or punishment if I crossed over too much.

    Witness: "kekys" "STEAM_1:0:1872774"

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    Last edited: Sep 30, 2016
  2. Yoda

    Yoda Genuinely crazy Moderator

    Oct 2, 2015
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    Will review this a bit later today.
    Sorry, I am busy right now.
  3. Yoda

    Yoda Genuinely crazy Moderator

    Oct 2, 2015
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    The person was banned permanently for heavy harrassment and being a massive asshole in general.
    We don't need such people on our servers.
    Thank you for your report.

    ready for being Closed
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