I am sorry, but this has to stop.

Discussion in 'Admin Reports (archive)' started by Spartan, Dec 19, 2014.

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  1. Spartan

    Spartan Member

    Aug 28, 2012
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    Admin Name: Taco
    Time (format dd.mm.YYYY HH:mm): 19:12:14 19:58
    Server: Achievement Idle
    Description (describe what happend): Taco has abused his powers and unjustly banned two people because he was advertising another.
    Witness (optional): Meh, Sgt Smiely, Sano Dash
    Description (describe what happend fully): Ok, I had saw what had happened on Achievement on the forums and found our two people had been banned by Taco, and one was planning on appealing for this ban. I decided to go and ask what had happened and look into the ban and I was shocked at the abuse that I had found.

    Meh was banned for an offensive chat, when he said "fag" once or twice and nothing major. This could have easily been a gag if it was just him insulting others.
    Sano was banned for the same reason, he mentioned dark was a "attention whore" and was "childish" and some other things, also could have been dealt with a gag.

    However, this was completely useless until I looked at regen's chat, it was full of abuse to them and I can only imagine what his mic chat was like as well. I then went and talked to Sgt Smiley who also confirmed what had happened, that they were having a fight and that it was pretty bad. And I also talked to the two people who where insulted. I had then decided to unban them because it was soo unjust.

    What happened was that Taco allowed regen to insult the fact that Meh is autistic or kept calling him that and saying that sano was "retarded"and did nothing. He then banned Meh and Sano for a week for saying mild things which is completely out of order and abusive.

    Proof (images, videos, demos): Fortress of Gamers Statistics - Player Chat History - Regen's Fortress of Gamers Statistics - Player Chat History -Sano Fortress of Gamers Statistics - Player Chat History -Meh.
    http://files.f-o-g.eu/gg3g64 - actually making someone upset.
    http://files.f-o-g.eu/70faad - ^^
  2. Darkregen

    Darkregen Member

    Feb 7, 2013
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    You're not taking a look at the whole thing. Both Meh and Sano called me and Taco LOADS of insulting things in private, when we tried to find a peaceful solution to the struggle, Tacos bans were valid, and to this day will always be vailed. And MEH has been banned before, and i've witnessed A LOT of occasions where MEH insulted Taco when he wasnt online. Currently you're being a selfrigious shit who just unbans who he likes and enjoys his ass licked.
  3. Spartan

    Spartan Member

    Aug 28, 2012
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    I had permission from noname to unban them, you have insulted someone making fun of him being autistic now IDC what you said in a steamchat, taco has always been harsh on Meh like you are and you refuse to stop and go too far.
  4. Darkregen

    Darkregen Member

    Feb 7, 2013
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    I refuse to stop because he continues, you are missing the biggest part of the story. You are collecting bits of his chatlogs.

    And i would still like to see the the chatlogs from you and noname.

    And "making fun of him" Well, using a over-used joke on the internet when people are too stupid to understand sarcasm is apparently making fun of someone now. Thanks a lot for this knowledge that i've never heard before.
  5. Spartan

    Spartan Member

    Aug 28, 2012
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    Unable to provide this as it contains other information that would be out of my place to show here, ask noname yourself.
  6. Darkregen

    Darkregen Member

    Feb 7, 2013
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    Just take a fucking puush of that single "yes you can unban him" from noname, nothing more.
  7. Spartan

    Spartan Member

    Aug 28, 2012
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  8. Darkregen

    Darkregen Member

    Feb 7, 2013
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  9. [GMV] Sano Dash

    [GMV] Sano Dash Member

    Dec 19, 2014
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    Okay, so there was the last chat log part that crossed the line which was about how you're happy to whoever wanted the divorce in my family, so pleaseeeee, don't bark about who insulted the other, okay? You did not use any kind of sarcasm as I could see.
    Other thing is. Yes. I actually got highly offended on your last message. The other thing is, being rude to the other players does not do any good. Please, try to say "you must be authistic" to anyone in real who's not your friend, just like.. a stranger on the street. I garantee it won't turn out well.

    And the things that happened. You were humiliting me infront of a whole server by starting to call me Authistic (and god knows what other names, I don't even want to know it).
    Taco were slaying me for no actual reason, to be honest.
    The ban was for no actual reason.
  10. Namaco

    Namaco Member

    Jun 9, 2013
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    I am indeed going to defend myself, but there will be a lot of curse words because i am very
    pissed off, i have an incredible headache and a weak stomich.

    I did ban these two, why? Because they've been doing nothing but provoking
    and insulting players for no reason. Now, about gagging them, which seems to be your problem.
    I could've gaged then but did i? No, i did not. Why? Because they were breaking server rules, and if you're counting
    that as abuse, you might aswell report every admin who has banned people for "innapropiate language" or
    "bad behavior" and report them aswell, and btw.. There's loads of them. Gagging was an option, but
    i wanted them to get a better lesson but obviously you don't accept my way for moderating this servers
    since all of us does it different.

    But reporting me for not gagging and calling me out for favourtism? Oh please.
    The second part is very hypocritical, remember the report about Bacon Drink? Yeah, that's exactly
    what i'm talking about. You were defending him like crap, and didn't accept his fate.
    Are you going to ban Dark and unban Sano and Meh? For what?

    As a matter of fact, i did want to use /slap but i believe it was a typo, don't believe me?
    Okay, but this report is about me and not Dark. The ban was an actual reason, but i was thinking
    about bringing justice to Dark aswell, and while i was at it Spartan fucking did it while this situation had NOTHING
    to do with him. It's like busting into a house as a stranger watching a couple talking about the one cheating
    on the other and randomly the stranger brings justice for the 2nd one who didn't cheat at all.
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2014
  11. Darkregen

    Darkregen Member

    Feb 7, 2013
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    Well i am, im not going to lie. First of all. Its Autistic, not "authistic" not heard that word. You did in the end started calling me and taco asshats and retarded. So sorry to say, but you might be a wee bit retarded and/or autistic aswell. Used as an internet joke of course.
  12. .ax

    .ax idk Legacy Management

    Aug 10, 2014
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    Well, to start, I'm not taking anyones side here, I'm just telling what I saw.

    The whole situation started when Darkregen started to change his names to, for example, Meh is autistic, Sano is autistic & How am I tryhard, because of the argument they had had before. Then they started to fight about how childish Dark is and/or how autistic Meh and Sano are. Then I created a group chat where the conversation went just worse and worse. Then Dark invited Taco there because of Meh (who had insulted Taco according to Dark) and then, believe or not, both sides started to insult each other and it escalated to Taco banning Sano and Meh for a week and letting Dark, who had insulted Sano and Meh atleast as much as they had insulted them, go.
  13. [HoRM]M_E_H

    [HoRM]M_E_H Member

    Mar 22, 2014
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    Yes This Did happened

    What happened was that Darkregen Had insulted Seno Dash http://steamcommunity.com/id/sano111/ about autism because he was mic spamming and he got muted but Seno's request. I felt insulted by this remark because I have it and got a little angry and said what's wrong with it. And he didn't reply he just insulted us even more because he found out there was two autistic people on the achievement/idle server and told 'everyone' including Taco -Chat log

    19:51 - Polina's sex slave: not right now
    19:51 - Polina's sex slave: speaking to autists
    19:51 - [FoGA] Festive Taco: wtf
    19:51 - [FoGA] Festive Taco: do you want
    19:52 - Polina's sex slave: meh is pissed
    19:52 - [FoGA] Festive Taco: MEH?
    19:52 - Polina's sex slave: because i called him autistic
    19:52 - [FoGA] Festive Taco: Imma join
    19:52 - [FoGA] Festive Taco: WRong game
    19:52 - Polina's sex slave: its in private

    That where Taco join in inslut us which turned into a almost 4,000 words long chat about Me & Seno being bad because we are autistic and a even worse part was at the end where no one should go this far!

    19:49 - [GMV] Festive Sano Dash: Come over n take a look for yourself. It would be a tons of fun, considering the fact: I couldn't get to punch any fucknugget since I moved to England from Hungary.
    19:49 - [GMV] Festive Sano Dash: ^w^
    19:49 - [FoGA] Festive Taco: Fucking pleb B)
    19:49 - [GMV] Festive Sano Dash: Most people are nice here.
    19:49 - [GMV] Festive Sano Dash: c:
    19:50 - Festive Darkregen: Best fucking insult.
    19:50 - Festive Darkregen: Still throwing them like a two year old whos mom wont buy him a chocolate bar at the store.
    19:50 - [GMV] Festive Sano Dash: Okay
    19:50 - [GMV] Festive Sano Dash: So?
    19:50 - [GMV] Festive Sano Dash: c:
    19:51 - [FoGA] Festive Taco: It's stupid
    19:51 - Festive Darkregen: Is you dictonary limited to "okay "so?" and "c:"
    19:51 - [FoGA] Festive Taco: +1
    19:51 - [FoGA] Festive Taco: Best insult ever
    19:51 - [FoGA] Festive Taco: would rate again
    19:51 - [FoGA] Festive Taco: for free
    19:51 - [FoGA] Festive Taco: Seems like it
    19:52 - [GMV] Festive Sano Dash: I'm not stupid, mate. I just don't see the point of wasting my time and brain cells on people like you guys.
    19:52 - Festive Darkregen: In that order aswell
    19:52 - [FoGA] Festive Taco: Don't forget the pervy ";)"
    19:52 - [FoGA] Festive Taco: Well, we are not your mates
    19:52 - Festive Darkregen: Then why the fuck are you still here.
    19:52 - [GMV] Festive Sano Dash: just saying random shits is more effective
    19:52 - [GMV] Festive Sano Dash: c:
    19:52 - [FoGA] Festive Taco: THE HYPOCRITNESS
    19:52 - Festive Darkregen: And braincells only dies when you hit your head on something.
    19:52 - [FoGA] Festive Taco: HYPOCRIT
    19:52 - [FoGA] Festive Taco: Well, his father did throw him at a wall
    19:53 - [FoGA] Festive Taco: Seems accurate
    19:53 - Festive Darkregen: Or hitting him with a belt.
    19:53 - Festive Darkregen: I would do both.
    19:53 - [GMV] Festive Sano Dash: wowww
    19:53 - Festive Darkregen: Or disowned him.
    19:53 - [GMV] Festive Sano Dash: here comes the personal insulting
    19:53 - [GMV] Festive Sano Dash: wowww
    19:53 - [GMV] Festive Sano Dash: wowwwww
    19:53 - [GMV] Festive Sano Dash: yes please
    19:53 - Festive Darkregen: Probally beat him then disown him.
    19:54 - [GMV] Festive Sano Dash: YES
    19:54 - [GMV] Festive Sano Dash: I love it
    19:54 - Festive Darkregen: I bet you do lovei t.
    19:54 - Festive Darkregen: But frankly, we dont give a shit.
    19:54 - [GMV] Festive Sano Dash: Now let me shoot that dream bubble down, my parents are divorced.
    19:54 - [FoGT] Festive Smiley™: Can I kick everyone from this chat now?
    19:54 - [FoGT] Festive Smiley™: Are you finished?
    19:54 - [GMV] Festive Sano Dash: And I'm living with my mother in England.
    19:54 - Festive Darkregen: Sure, go ahead.
    19:54 - [GMV] Festive Sano Dash: Well, I never even started.
    19:54 - Festive Darkregen: Good for you.
    19:54 - [GMV] Festive Sano Dash: So yeah, go ahead
    19:55 - [FoGA] Festive Taco: I think he's trying to act like Aran Ryan from Punch out
    19:55 - Festive Darkregen: Im happy for whoever wanted the divorce.
    19:55 - [GMV] Festive Sano Dash: Heh...
    19:55 - [GMV] Festive Sano Dash: we all wanted it...
    19:55 - Festive Darkregen: Thanks for laughing at the joke, i used about 0.5 seconds to think of it.
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2014
  14. Darkregen

    Darkregen Member

    Feb 7, 2013
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    Letting me go. So i should be banned for protecting my rights and myself?
  15. Namaco

    Namaco Member

    Jun 9, 2013
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    I'd like to remind you, that this is not in-game but PM which makes it completely different.
    You know, if i knew you were backtalking me with someone else i wouldn't care less, why?
    because it is not on the servers

    .19:51 - Polina's sex slave: not right now
    19:51 - Polina's sex slave: speaking to autists
    19:51 - [FoGA] Festive Taco: wtf
    19:51 - [FoGA] Festive Taco: do you want
    19:52 - Polina's sex slave: meh is pissed
    19:52 - [FoGA] Festive Taco: MEH?
    19:52 - Polina's sex slave: because i called him autistic
    19:52 - [FoGA] Festive Taco: Imma join
    19:52 - [FoGA] Festive Taco: WRong game
    19:52 - Polina's sex slave: its in private
    Are you taking this an insult? Oh my god, you must be very sensitive, and tbh you were
    even a part of it, so don't pretend you're a innocent angel when you're really not.
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2014
  16. .ax

    .ax idk Legacy Management

    Aug 10, 2014
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    Is that any different from what Sano and Meh did?
  17. The12hunter21

    The12hunter21 Member

    Mar 11, 2014
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  18. Darkregen

    Darkregen Member

    Feb 7, 2013
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    Since they started attacking me? Pretty big difference.
  19. .ax

    .ax idk Legacy Management

    Aug 10, 2014
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    As I said, it started when you noticed that Sano was on the server and changed your name to "Sano is autistic". Please correct me if I'm wrong.

    And adding: the joke isn't a joke anymore if the other party gets offended.
  20. Darkregen

    Darkregen Member

    Feb 7, 2013
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    Were you on about half a week ago when he started calling me shit because i micspammed? I dont think you were.
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