Resolved Fix Highertower US1-27

Discussion in 'Report a problem (archive)' started by Creepy Crawly Cardinal, Jan 4, 2018.

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  1. Creepy Crawly Cardinal

    Creepy Crawly Cardinal Member

    Oct 31, 2017
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    This is absoloutly fucking rediculous. If you dont like long stories on forums dont read this, but if you would like to know why i am in fumes about this server at the moment, please keep reading. There is a server known as Highertower US1-27, that me and quite alot of my friends have been regulars on for almost a full year now. I have well over 6 days worth of hours on this very server and would like to personally talk about the events that have recently transpired. A little over a month ago i applied for admin on this very server (because to tell the absolout and complete truth, in my over 6 days worth of playtime, and bieng a regular on this server for nearly a year, i have not seen one single admin. Not a single goddamn one) becuase I felt that it could use quite a bit of changes and someone monitoring what was going on inside of it, as it has been seemingly abandoned. My application was promptly shut down for good reason as i was unfit for the job (which is an opinion i will respect and i have absouloutly no hatred towards those show did not think i was fit for the job) and a month later, i saw that they had added instant respawn, which gave me a sign that becuase of my forum, it had most likely brought peoples attention to the server once again. Everything seemed to be going well at highertower until one of the regulars on the server, and one of my personal steam friends was promptly BANNED from the server due to advertising, which brings me to my pooint that they should be given a warning if they are unaware of the rules. There was seemingly no reason for this (and i would love to know the reason why), and as the day went on, his ban was still not lifted, later on in the day one of my personal steam frinds who i would not necessarily call a regular nowasays, but certainly a veteran of the server (Vizie) was banned as well. If things were making even less sense in the form of seemingly random bans in the start, when i went to read the reasoning with vizie about the ban, it siad that it was due to aimbot. These are all of the competetive fields Vizie has played in for tf2 :
    Season 21 UGC Steel | Tactical Suit Case 2.0 | Spy (7-3)
    Season 22 UGC Silver | Alpha Orionis | Spy
    Season 23 UGC Silver | There We Go! | Spy
    Season 24 UGC Silver | | Spy

    Season 11 UGC Gold | Four Spooksters | Soldier

    There is absoloutly no way that vizie is aimbot, he has over 2,500 hours on this game and has had multiple people report him on the server due to them thinking that "aimbot" is the same as sheer skill. I am very up in arms that the admin that banned Vizie did not look over his personal record before promptly banning him for something that he did not do.

    Some suggestions for this server in the future:

    .Turn on halloween mode all the time, have it enabled 24/7
    .Have some admins come on every once in a while, the reason i wanted to become an admin in the first place was to stop hackers, mute micspammers and stop chatspammers
    .add an rtd feature
    .have replays enabled
    I extremely hope that there is someone out there that can do something about all of the bans and ideas that many regulars on the server have. Please, do something about all these seemingly random bans, you may think this server is abandoned, but there are many people just like me who constnatly play and enjoy Highertower US1-27

    People who were banned:
  2. n0name

    n0name Administrator

    Aug 27, 2012
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    First of all, wrong section - this isn't a forum game, but rather a complaint / "report a server problem" (small parts of it).

    Second of all, if the players you linked to feel that they got wrongfully banned, they can make an appeal here:
    Simply posting here will not get you anywhere (also, no third party appeals).

    Lastly, I have enabled halloween mode, but decided not to install rtd and not enable replays. The latter one is buggy as hell (causing server crashes quite a lot, hence why no Valve server has them enabled either). The former I don't really think fits on a HT server.

    Regarding admins: there are simply no dedicated admins who are currently assigned to the server. The last one we had resigned a few weeks ago, apart from that, only me and @chickpoint@chickpoint remain. Both of us don't really have the time, neither are online during peak times (which is in the middle of the night in EU).
    Unless someone applies and gets accepted, I can't see how the situation will be fixed.
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