Hey guys, Bambi here. Id first like to start off by saying thanks again to everyone for keeping this community as awesome as it was for the past several years even though I've only been around for a short part of that. Now its to my knowledge that some people would like there to be some events to be done before the servers are sent offline. Id like to announce some possible times for gatherings for yall to come join me and others on jailbreak specifically by having a poll for a time this week for you guys to decide. I've already talked to some people about doing this since and I'm sure some of you guys don't wanna just send it off with "the end" Additionally I'm hosting a giveaway which is intended for jailbreak regulars, If you haven't joined our discord and you are a jailbreak regular please DM me about joining that. Its free and its meant to be a big thanks to the guys that have supported that side of the community for so long. Times are UTC+2
The brief period between when jb just started after FF2 broke and no one had any clue what to do and people learning the gamemode