sorry for reposting idk where to post. sorry Subject: 7656119806666666666 (* lad (CSGO-Shuffle.c) Victim: | steamname: Ce | steam3ID: [U:1:149954998] | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:74977499 | steamID64: | customURL: | steamrep: Scammer: | steamname: * lad (BUY AND SELL) | steam3ID: [U:1:188169031] | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:94084515 | steamID64: | customURL: | steamrep: Screenshots: - Pictures of chat (required) - Trade window if relevant (please keep the practice of chatting in normal chat, and just only trade in the trading window). - Screen shot of profile page if the offender is impersonating admins, middleman, or trusted traders. (showing steam community link, pic, nickname, friends and groups) * lad Scammer Proof - Album on Imgur An album for all images Description: Added for downgrade on his knife, had a good connection and grew to trust this person. His profile had a lot of legit looking +rep at first and a good trusted look for it. He was also +rep on csgo lounge. I checked is SteamRep and it looked good. I proceeded to work out a deal for steam code, then knife, then last steam code, but sadly it did not work out and i decided to put trust into him and as I went first. He then proceeded to remove me, block me, and change his name. Lost around 54 dollars in a knife, and wont ever get it back because sometimes valve is stupid. Though I see it as my fault I'd love for sweet sweet justice on this person.
Please post in the correct section: Scam Reports Please upload all screenshots to Fortress of Gamers - File Hosting and post those links in the report. @Downie @Downy Requesting lock. Thanks, Pointy