SteamRep block | steamname: skorpi 24/7 #WTB ITEMS FOR 88% | steam3ID: [U:1:231420511] | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:115710255 | steamID64: | customURL: | steamrep: What was your in-game name when you got banned? skorpi When did it happen? I just can not say. But approximately in 2014 What's the specified reason? 1. Impersonation of admin "mattie!" Why do you think you should be unbanned? Sorry for my English. Once I sold accounts registered on my computer. I sold one of the accounts is not very conscientious person, but it turned out later. And he did fraudster operation, some I do not know exactly what I realized when I saw his ban. Long did not know who to call and who can help me. I believe that the ban gives the fraudsters, and I am not of this category of people. I ask you to understand since I am punished for other people.
SR ban appeals aren't handled anymore on the forums. I'd suggest applying at where a Trade Mod will take a look into your appeal. Good luck!